Deepika loses her temper

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Post her break-up with Ranbir Kapoor two months ago, Deepika hasn't spoken about their relationship publicly.

Recently, when the actress was spotted at a product launch, media persons siezed the opportunity to question her about her ex.

On being asked what she plans to do about the RK tattoo on her back, the question was met with stony silence. Another question that followed was, "Is the brand coming out with a cream that will erase your tattoo?"

Deepika started fidgeting but chose to keep mum. The journalists were relentless and went on to ask, "Are you happy after your break-up with Ranbir?"

By now the poor actress, who was probably regretting ever getting the blessed tattoo, snapped, "Of course, I am happy. Don't I look happy?"

Not surprisingly, the session didn't last very long. A visibly uncomfortable Deepika fled from the backstage exit.


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