Priyanka Chopra receives 'Jin Jue award'

Saturday, 27 June 2009

hanghai International Film Festival concluded this weekend. The highlight was the closing ceremony on 21st June 2009 where in Bollywood's sultry actress Priyanka Chopra was presented with The Jin Jue Award. The stylish Priyanka's career is on high as this is the tenth award that she has gathered in the past six months.

"Jin Jue" Award is the festival's highest honour and this is the first time that it has been presented to an Indian for their outstanding achievement in the Hindi Cinema!

The award is a very prestigious International award and reflects a traditional Chinese culture.

The talented Priyanka Chopra feels really honored and emotional to recieve such a big honor and is very pleased to present India to the rest of the world! She finds such awards very encouraging and is pleased to be recognized for her hard work.

We extend a warm hand of congratulations to the actress who has been applauded by the audience and critics for her fine performances throughout the year. Kudos to Indian Cinema which is now reaching new heights!


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